Think Cyclist

Let’s look out for each other on the road.

A recent poll for the Department for Transport’s THINK! campaign has found that 25% of UK adults are noticing more cyclists on the road after our cycling summer of success. The THINK! campaign: ‘THINK CYCLIST’, calls on drivers and cyclists to stay safe by looking out for each other – and reminds us that drivers and cyclists have more in common than is often realised. With 80% of cyclists holding a driving licence, and 1 in 5 drivers cycling at least once a month, they’re often the same people.

The THINK CYCLIST poll has also shown that cyclists and drivers agree on how to stay safe on the road. 

  • Looking Twice for each other when turning or at junction s came out top for both as the precaution that would avoid the most collisions (41% of regular cyclsits, and 35% of regular car drivers).
  • Both also agree on how to make things better, with 67% of cyclists and 59% of drivers saying that giving each other space on the road was in their top three ways of making cyclists and drivers more visible to road users.

THINK CYCLIST calls on drivers and cyclists to:

  • Look out for ech other, especially when turning.
  • Signal intentions so that the other road user can react.
  • Give cyclists space and remember that cyclists are advised to ride well clear of the kerb to be visibile and avoid collisions.

To find out more about THINK! go to